Take a moment and think about your journey in life and where you are in comparison to where you want to be. Our Quick Coffee Break comes from women who dreamed, took action and achieved. It only takes a moment of clarity to reflect and make adjustments.
We will add a new Coffee Break of motivation once a week.
A void making excuses and apologizing for who you are.
A lways be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. – Judy Garland
B elieve in your ability to create the life you want to live.
C onquer your fears with education and training.
D are to do something different once a week.
E ducation & Etiquette.
F inish what you start.
G et up, Get going, Gracefully and don’t forget to Give back.
H ave a good time creating your journey.
Happy and Stay Healthy.
Inspiration…We all need inspiration, who inspires you? We would love to know who inspires you to keep you moving forward in your journey. Please share #WHOINSPIRESYOU
Just Live